
HBO’s Action Series #UpsetTheSetUp

HBO recently launched Action Series, an educational experience set to encourage local leaders to make a difference in their communities. The inspiration for this movement sprang up from Stockton on My Mind, a documentary describing the political path of Michael Tubbs. With HBO’s commitment to “great storytelling and inspiring activism,” the Action Series program covered various activist-led conversations rooted in the disenfranchisement of Black and Brown people in America.

On August 3, Angela Rye and I discussed why voting, now more than ever, is so important. Watch our conversation below.

Click here to read “HBO Launches Social Justice Digital Series To Celebrate Release Of Michael Tubbs Docu ‘Stockton On My Mind’”

MTV Decoded | Why Prosecuting Police is Almost Impossible

Why do the police act like the law doesn’t apply to them? Well thanks to a legal statute known as Qualified Immunity, it’s almost impossible to prosecute a police officer. We explain it on this episode of Decoded.